Porta Casamari or Porta Maggiore

Ultimo aggiornamento: 23 ottobre 2023, 14:43

In Ferentino in the south-est of roman walls is built, in square construction, Porta Casamari also called “Maggiore”. It is also called “Casamari”, because in the Middle Age linked Ferentino with Casamari Abbey, where the monks came from to build in 13th AD the church of St. Maria Maggiore.
It is formed by two arches to all sixth.
Between the two arches there is a square chamber, called in latin “propugnaculum”; when enemies broken down the first door, they were trapped inside “propugnaculum” and were killed by defenders.
Porta Casamari or Porta Maggiore
(second century BC)
Photo by Fulvio Bernola

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